How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property In,Topeka, KS?

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property In,Topeka, KS?

Many landlords choose to inspect their rental properties every six months. Why so frequently?

CNBC reports that homeowners spent an average of $6000 on home repairs and maintenance in 2022. If you're a landlord in Topeka, KS, that kind of maintenance outlay would likely represent a big chunk of your annual rental income.

Regular rental property inspections can help to keep maintenance and repair costs to a minimum. Let's examine how often to inspect them, how to respect tenant privacy, and what you should include on each visit.

Six Months? Annually? When to Inspect Your Rental

Many landlords err on the side of caution and set a rental property inspection timeline of every six months. There are a few key benefits that come from this:

  • Spot problems before they become serious
  • Do not rely on the tenant to report maintenance issues
  • Ensure the tenant is following the rental agreement

Some landlords go a step further and schedule quarterly inspections. This may be a sensible precaution if you've had problems with either the property or the tenant in the past.

If you have a very conscientious tenant, maybe one who has been with you for years, you may choose to visit just once a year.

Unannounced Inspections

A surprise inspection may be tempting, but don't do it! It's against Kansas' rental property inspection laws. To protect tenant privacy, landlords must give at least 24 hours notice and can only visit during reasonable hours.

However, if there is a genuine emergency, the landlord has the right to enter without notice.

Rental Property Inspection Checklist

Although properties vary slightly, there are several common features you need to inspect on every visit. These include:

  • HVAC - check the systems, including thermostats, are functioning correctly
  • Safety features - smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Overall condition - create a list of any needed repairs or decor that needs refreshing
  • Roof and gutters - check both are clean and for signs of damage/wear
  • Plumbing and electrical - check all are functioning well and note any needed repairs

These regular visits can help you check you are not forgetting any regular rental property maintenance. Keeping major systems such as HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and the roof in good order could help save you thousands of dollars in repairs.

Finding Time for Rental Property Inspections

Many people become accidental landlords and have a day job that takes up most of their time. Even if property rentals are your main business, it's hard to find the time to schedule regular rental property inspections.

That's why it pays to work with a property management company. They will ensure that inspections happen on time, and they'll arrange for repairs to be done promptly. Plus, they have their own teams of contractors to handle everything.

Let PMI Advisory Group Handle Your Inspections

The dedicated team at PMI Advisory Group in Topeka, KS, understands the value of regular rental property inspections. You can rely on them to schedule inspections, liaising with your tenant to make it as convenient as possible for them.

Then, they'll report back and work with you to prioritize your property's maintenance. Check out our services for owners today and contact us to see what we can do for your Topeka rental.
